My Week – off to a good start

Wife and I have been discussing the economics of canning and preserving some tomatoes.  Not sure it is worth it unless you actually grow your own.
Random fact of the day: A 25 lb. box of tomatoes at that Georgia State Farmers Market costs $14.00.

Got the tires on the Pathfinder aligned today, and getting Linds’ oil changed tomorrow.

Putting together a portfolio of stuff for the job search.  So things are going pretty well in that regard.  I have also done some work to my Linked In profile.  There will definitely be more to come on that front.  I am thinking that I will also do a job-search related web site.

Couple of news and notes items:
Murphy the Bear is again speculating on the end of the American LeMans Series and possibly the final Petit LeMans.  He says stuff like this quite often, but I guess it is the old smoke-fire quote that applies…
This is awesome.  It kills me how close it is to the truth…Reminds me of Business Guys on Business Trips.

I have not had a lot of time to get lines in the water lately, I am hoping I can change that in the near future.

Closing out with a final recipe that I think we will be testing out:
Filet Mignon With Mustard Butter

Catch ya later!

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